Hexarchia: Genesis NFTs Whitelist

6 min readJul 8, 2021
Hexarchia Genesis Whitelist is LIVE

Dear Hexarchia Army,

The time has come… the Genesis NFTs Giveaway whitelist has been published.

Some believe it was lost forever after a terrible war, others think it never existed, everyone has heard of it but none has ever seen it.

Well, we can tell you that it’s always been under our custody. We have kept it under our close protection, it is now time for the entire world to know who are Hexarchia Genesis Commanders.

If you are in this list it means that you are a visionary, a person that has understood the massive potential of this project before anyone else. We truly appreciate your support and it’s now our time to give back to you.

If you are not on this list, you should still consider yourself an early adopter of Hexarchia. Please don’t worry, there will be other opportunities to win big in Hexarchia. We are just getting started. We are on a mission to offer our players a truly engaging and fun gaming experience while allowing to make money thanks to the unique economic incentives made possible by blockchain technology.


Before sharing with you the actual list, we want to underline a few rules:

First of all, as announced in our last Medium post, you will have an 8 days Grace Period (it ends on Friday 16th July at 23:59:59 CET Rome Time) to let us know if your Twitter profile is not on the list but you belive it should be there. In this case, all you have to do is to send us an email at info@hexarchia.com or a direct message to our Official Twitter Profile @hexarchia with a screenshot of the tweet where you 1)re-tweeted one of our official Giveaway posts, 2)tagged three friends. Please make sure the date and time are clearly visible on the screenshot otherwise we will not be able to add you to the whitelist.

As you will see below, there are three types of categories in the whitelist:

  1. Commanders who have already been whitelisted since they have succesfully completed all tasks. If you are in this list, all you have to do is to go to our website www.hexarchia.com, connect you Twitter profile via a link on the top-right corner of the Home Page and finally copy-paste your preferred Ethereum wallet where you want Hexarchia Genesis NFTs to be sent to.
  2. Commanders who have not been whitelisted since they do not follow @hexarchia on Twitter but have re-tweeted and tagged 3 friends. In this case, you will have to follow us on Twitter before the Grace Period ends otherwise you will not be whitelisted to the Giveaway. We will continuosly check if you have done it before Friday 16th July at 23:59:59 CET Rome Time but we would also highly appreciate if you send a DM on Twitter or an email at info@hexarchia.com to notify us of your following.
  3. Accounts with suspicious Twitter Profiles. In this case, please do not get offended if you are on this list. It was Twitter to suggest to us that your account looks suspicious. Please send a DM to our Offical Twitter account or an email at info@hexarchia.com before Friday 16th July at 23:59:59 CET Rome Time to show us evidence that you have indeed a authentic account. If you convince the team, you will be immediately whitelisted.

All whitelisted Commanders will have time up untill Moday 26th July at 23:59:59 CET Rome Time to connect their Twitter profile to our website and add a valid Ethereum wallet. On Tuesday 27th July the founding team of Hexarchia will hold a Twitch LIVE to draw by lot the winners. The exact time will be announced soon on our socials. If you don’t have Twitch it’s all right, we will also post the video on YouTube and the list of winners here on Medium and all our other socials. None will have an advantage in the lottery, everybody will have his/her equal chance to win Hexarchia Genesis NFTs.

N.B. The whitelist is in alphabetical order to facilitate your search. We encourage you to use CTRL+F to find your Twitter ID.


@_tooshameless @24DrizzleMMR @7ShadowMorales7 @A2Get @abparveez @AchadosdeAL @acryptnft @Addy231193 @adrianaedwirge1 @aesmirnov2 @Ahad8342 @aidejialcy @aim2318 @AirCryptos @airdropfromtana @airdropman828 @Akpoli1 @Alessan57181498 @Alexand61787962 @AlexKatnomov @AlexWGomezz @Alfredo18167493 @alikhaaaa @ALJEPR1 @AlkingTwister @Alymissbach1 @Alysson15735352 @AndreFr45568298 @AndresYO93 @andypiggie @AndyXtian @Anfloresg @Aquinto75 @ArdoxHugo @arshand9 @artur3721 @Ashwath39268064 @AstroKutyz @aubjectivity @axaos @BahamasJhonny @BaoNguy13825845 @baydogru11 @bayuarvianto @bbgoodlife @BeauxJacques1 @BeGoodBoutique @BellaMings @BerkeBaranAtal @betzagricel @beyker76958357 @bhaveshm94 @biancospina29 @bilhansiagian @BillyMenegat @Bintang06992293 @BitcoinNx @Blockringer1 @boldimcrazy @BoycottHindi @Brian910412 @BridCommander @btcnaveia @BvDonline @BwfktRBlWVLwKwZ @c1neva @c731581 @CablineD @cakoinNFT @CaliBoyyyyy @carletteevonne @CarlitoBTC @CastedQueen @cemzengin07 @cep841 @cesarjnft @cesc476652700 @ChanniTorres @Chemi89757375 @chisppy @Ciao_Belli111 @ClarenceFloren4 @ClaRiiise7 @cocos168 @coi_br @COiNNOi55EUR @colinniloc6 @CollectingCoin2 @Connard40148600 @CorinaDanila3 @CriptoMrem @criptoperfec @Cristia41831556 @cryptako @cryptalktome @Crypto_Ahmed92 @crypto_motocaz @crypto_stunt @Crypto_Zenesi @crypto_zer0 @crypto4sales @cryptobiertje @cryptobiteee @CryptoBoarder @Cryptocreeper3 @cryptogaming95 @CryptoGamingFr1 @Cryptohooligan2 @CryptoKiri @cryptomattgames @CryptoMyFuture2 @cryptotablet @cryptoyo7 @D25Bv @dalpatbhati10 @daniel_aaronn @DanYuu6 @DasSanjayabhy @DavideBaldelli6 @DaysOfNFT @DDaniparra @DeborAlmeida1 @DedeHome1 @DeeJus @DeRicciardone @dErOMANTIc @DestrozaHaters @dfmontoya94 @digitalharvest5 @Dinda1207306759 @DivLyon @DKPower_ @Dorian05594083 @DrivingMissJC @drixzen @drunkscience @DugFill @dwi59802407 @dwisuna39534712 @Elfanta29069269 @emively5 @enigma13o1 @enmanuelalborn3 @Enny16136247 @eoganacht @erto28078689 @EstherYap14 @etarnaud @evorn4 @Exodus09936575 @exuberant_paul @F4tG4m1ng @Faceles80950331 @faiche6 @FD_rousser @febbiefull @fede54399477 @Felipe66432036 @fematos420 @flongie @flysky88888888 @Foma_Kiniaev_ @FPass7@frhtdgn @futq4l3dpoltNM1 @gabakimu @gabriel_ol1veir @gabriel23811088 @GabrielDoile @gabrielluisfer1 @game_geist @Giancar12741869 @GianPaoloMarti5 @gnipspa @GrendelCrypto @groovydrini @GsMenes @Guazz8 @GustavoMattos77 @GwarnGel @GZaperson @hagile1 @helallensana1 @HeliasTeixeira @Hendri41785624 @huida_zhang @HuqueSahir @iamcaian @Ichak96201247 @Illuminae7 @imonurohila @IngVCobos @insan_NFT @InvestngSpreads @Iqbal01812 @Ishi_ni2026 @Jack876543 @jackira24 @Jackson78769839 @JackStickCandle @Janu69039801 @JawadKh30799530 @JayValdez1908 @Jeffrey72656799 @jepjep17@jeppe25 @JerovynAsguard @JesusCR_2017 @jesusro88299539 @jhappy_kalang @JidekaC @joindrumandbass @JosephAliaga1 @js_way@Jsuagi1 @JuanPre19780606 @julio_angel22 @jun19851005 @KaisBenMohamme1 @KarloSabangan @KarthicS5 @Kaykan33314720 @keikeisuke555 @KetakiSarkar @kevinPradodeSo1 @Kevinsihaloho65 @Kiclok3 @kikunosuke1031 @Kimyhunjoong2 @KiranNa03343029 @klasik1982 @KnechtDk @KrishnaMytreya @krroetz @KryptoCoin3 @KseniaSexy @kumarmohan12312 @KuntulBerbulu @kutsaraatbp @KyuVanD2 @Lal29816699 @Lanang52898785 @LauraDec6 @LaVraiVie17 @Lawanda62837900 @LDoggx13 @LeaJR10 @leandrobobbrow @lemanalaysay29 @leo_mack @Levolef @LifeZnk @liquidfy_ @LivresManiaque @LongTanker @lowfly13 @lucky07021122 @Luckybash3 @Luis_Chavez1419 @lukasjuliann @lulebas_ @malibuflatliner @ManeyXD @ManosKost @maoooo0401 @MarathiPanth @marco_svihura @marcocripto @Marcohpa @MarcoSa73685934 @MariaLe82635849 @MarianoL93 @Maritagh25 @Marko_145 @marssik23 @Mata24Mata @MateusCriptos @MaximoWalesko @McCorvix @MCH_Tsezguerra @me_upland @MelexNaga @millan_evita @Mith00o @MLacosk @Mmorl1 @mmsnengineer @Mohsen19762 @MolazParo @Monirul46289261 @moonklk @moonshinAlex @morrido1773 @MoxeYakuza93 @mpire62826529 @mpolash83 @Mr0701gt @MrDarway @Muneebk46764363 @MyCryptO_NEET @naked_chooch @namasteks @Naren_Reddy23 @Nasrin02350912 @nbzncloud @nelzonr @Nerfsaidx @NetsracCrypto @neverwins123 @NFT20972141 @nftbuzz_eth @NFTFreeder @NFTourist @NFTxa111 @Nicole82441951 @NiFiToy @Nimesulide1 @ninglee16 @nintendough_64 @niru2353 @nishith_bansode @nolleres1 @noobieNoob21 @noulsuwan @OberdanShultz @oCngSn1 @oguilermoso @okkyRiego77 @oldschooltrade2 @OldtimeComputer @Oluwase41 @OneGuy29614689 @OpiaCrypt @oyunicinhesap01 @p3kanoia @pamungkassuto @pedrogatinhos @pedrovoltz @PeterjgrahamN @pettiverde @philosofont @pisisikprolizma @PJ5872930482 @PLNB1038 @pokepokeget @polacobest @Ponte09692092 @PraizeRoman @preteritoNFT @Prince10639253 @PrinceSison3 @priscila19840 @qsvprogram @Rafael03435613 @RafikiCrypto @RangiJon @rayfakaGUN @Rayong18066450 @RdinaryWalter @renatoguitart @renove2019 @reyes_arnolfo @Ricardo18610663 @rinusamaIOST @rizzarizzoriz @roberto_yonda @Roberto74273245 @Robrey17 @RodrigoPvoa1 @RoigtJ @RollinNolanNFT @roo_hi @RyanChiang23 @RyanInFresno @saatgaming @Samuel44672763 @sana129811 @santhiagopg @Satoshinobiii @scottyam7 @Seantonio17 @selarom1510 @Semoh_K @SergeiU13 @sergeyskv66 @sgdmgl_ts @shaikhs21939660 @ShardanaNFT89 @sheihui1 @Shen19535446 @shubhairdrop1 @siapatau22 @siddhu91639423 @siriguelas @SlyTheGeniuss @smino_v @smokin_spaceman @someguytweetin1 @SomenVyas @sparkmore01 @SteveMatlick @stranjer_maine @StubGKG @SudaratJaisamut @swagbucks_14 @Swagg3r2 @t_petitchamp @Tacos_and_Drums @TanukiSoba4 @TanyaFe62420936 @TAPAJOY1 @TartPH @tasangel1 @TassiCrypto @Teemey8 @TheCyrilBlesynn @ThiagoARR @ThiagoG26637593 @thiagopmta @TimiCarter09 @tingloyz @TnThin11 @tonyfonteswh @TrekwithCharlie @TripDoge@Troyus_III @tuliocamacho7 @turinglabsorg @Tzvany1 @umitustun @V_Thasmo @vania_572 @VeeNorr @venicssimo @VICTORR54728799 @Vince_Paldino @Viniciu14071090 @vitorcresti @VitorSa81500231 @walterdmw @warashibecyo @Will13091 @wlin66 @WolfCryptzer @wong_braling @woodtowood @WoWCrypto @xandresc @xelbEkbBxksa8G3 @xfiles_x @Xhephian @xiaoQ43532687 @xtatc @yajdc0000 @Yakapital_Ru @YeimarVargas88 @YieldSquad @Yolimar53986365 @yonkoshin @ytba_wam @yujinNFT @yuma16630834 @zeiskii @zelaum7 @zhang876 @Zueljin @ZulfaUmmi


@Abraxis12Gaming @adrrielalves15 @AllaPeste @as_weed @beckeleanor_ @Berisigep3 @Bkshope1 @BlackFangAVI @CAV3211 @CrypticSachin @daily_nft_news @dailynfts @danieljun1997 @davedombkowski @DavidGeoghega15 @everaldoSRN @ezrapride @FlammingAndrew @francis80072437 @FrancoisSoualhi @FransiskusSih18 @HankRodin @Hiep72016106 @idowu_elijah @Infinity870 @IzzyFreakzz @Jay_Aoi_Bird @Jennife38741875 @jhilyz91 @jhoanortega04 @josetetz1 @leehsx @lembahsungai1 @LeoNewman19 @lhyne18892118 @li85097086 @lmx77777 @Lovinglife4240 @lucas_sch10 @LUS0ttj42j2whXv @marss013 @mec_trader @moneybitts @MPitagorico @Netw0rx1 @nft_artist1 @NFTstreetbets @officedge @Paneroti @Plzdz25 @QMcstacks @RalphWieprich @SauerMila @ShroombaGaming @Simba_Crypto @Tog55169012 @WanksyO @xelano3


@Bojan40446433 @cryptonirrod @d7U1AVkF1EHq6aw @DronMakedon @Haleema1915 @Matheus06451378 @RehmanBella @Slavittooo

We want to stress that you are very much welcomed to write us a DM on Twitter or an email at info@hexarchia.com for any kind of inquiry about Hexarchia Genesis Giveaway. We have decided to hold the Twitch LIVE on Tuesday 27th July since the team will be travelling abroad 19th to 26th July to present Hexarchia to a major blockchain international conference which will be revealed in the next days.

Since we are aware that some of you might have problems to deal with an Ethereum/Polygon wallet, we decided to link this very well-done video that teaches you how to connect your Metamask wallet to the Polygon network. We are not affiliated to this YouTuber, we just belive the video is well done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAv_wpDVLlM

Stay tuned Commanders, massive news are coming soon!

Don’t forget to subscribe to our socials:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hexarchia

Twitter: https://twitter.com/hexarchia

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkDHMqR184_zRrG9gAhGH0Q

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hexarchia/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hexarchia




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